By Dr. Amber Teten, Eye Care Specialist – Optometrist Chesapeake VA
During eye exams, the most frequently asked question directed to Dr. Teten, an Optometrist Chesapeake VA, is often, “Why does my vision change?” In these annual eye examinations, four key factors are typically identified as potential causes for vision changes. These factors include age, environment, genetics, and lifestyle. While we cannot alter our age and genetics to the extent we might desire, we do have the ability to make positive changes to our lifestyle and modify our environment. One of the most effective ways to maintain excellent vision is by scheduling regular comprehensive eye exams with your trusted Optometrist Chesapeake VA. These exams not only allow Dr. Teten to evaluate the health of your eyes but also provide valuable insights into your overall well-being. By taking proactive measures to prioritize your eye health through regular follow-up eye exams, you empower yourself to achieve optimal vision and embrace the best possible quality of life. Don’t hesitate to prioritize your eye health and reach out to Navigation Eye Care and Dr. Teten for the comprehensive care you deserve.
Let’s consider the four factors, age, environment, genetics, and lifestyle, and how they impact our vision.
As we age, our vision overall changes. One of the most significant and life-changing changes in vision is experienced around the ages of 40-43. This age is when classically, your arm will not seem long enough to hold your phone or a book far enough away to focus your eyes. Or you may start to wear reading glasses or even take your glasses off to read, which were not normal before. This process is called presbyopia and affects all of us between the ages of 40 and 55.
Young children and infants have a developing vision that influences other development like motor and speech. Pediatric eye doctors are skilled in performing annual eye exams on children and thoroughly analyze the overall development of the child and how their vision impacts their development. One of the most fun stages of vision changes is when an infant’s vision develops in the first year of life. One of a child’s most common vision changes is myopia or nearsightedness, where the eye grows slightly longer as children grow. This change in eye growth can result in significant vision changes for children.
Fortunately, top Optometrist Chesapeake VA, such as Dr. Teten, can help treat a child’s Myopia with MiSight contact lenses. These special contact lenses help minimize significant changes in a child’s nearsighted prescription between 8-12. Navigation Eye Care offers this Misight contact lens for our pediatric patients.
Many people notice glare and decreased vision in their 60-70’s. Often, this is due to the formation of cataracts or a clouding of the lens inside your eye. There are different types of cataracts, and depending on the type of cataract, your vision can change quickly and drastically or slowly over ten years. Age is not a factor that we can change. So, it is crucial to be aware of vision changes and discuss concerns with your optometrist at your annual eye exam. Many new advancements in technology and eyewear can improve your quality of vision as you age.
The environment can impact your vision and cause changes. High exposure to sunlight without UV protection can cause cataracts. An example of this would be people who live closer to the equator or outside more for work (i.e., Construction) develop cataracts sooner than others. Professionals in the medical field around infrared waves or lasers must take extra precautions to protect their eyes. A mechanic, autobody, or welder can often get work-related injuries that can change vision. It is important to be aware of your environment and how it may affect your vision. Sunglasses and eye protection are important modifications you can make to protect your eyes and preserve your vision. At Navigation Eye Care, we have sunglasses and safety glasses that Dr. Teten can prescribe at your eye exam.
Genetics are the genes we are born with from our family. We cannot change our genetic makeup. However, knowing your family’s background with eye health and overall health is important. At your annual eye exam, we ask about your family medical history to ensure we monitor your eyes for any signs of those conditions.
Macular degeneration, a condition that deteriorates the central vision, is genetic and passes on from family members. Retinal diseases such as Retinitis Pigmentosa are passed on through genes and limit the field and quality of vision early on in life. At Navigation Eye Care, we use highly detailed retina imaging technology, Optos, at your annual eye exam to monitor your macula and retina health.
Glaucoma can be a genetic condition, and you are more at risk of developing glaucoma if your siblings or parents have the disease. Children with parents that are nearsighted, especially when it is both parents, are highly susceptible to developing myopia at school age. At Navigation Eye Care, Dr. Teten, an Optometrist Chesapeake VA, monitors children’s vision with yearly eye exams. During these eye exams, Dr. Teten check’s for myopia or nearsighted progression. Dr. Teten prescribes a customized treatment plan for myopia management. During each follow-on eye exam, Dr. Teten checks for the successful treatment of myopia and ultimately allows for the child’s best possible vision. So, genes are what they are, but an optometrist can monitor and treat eye diseases with each eye exam to help you have the best vision possible.
A healthy lifestyle helps contribute to healthy eyes. So, what can you do to live an eye-healthy lifestyle? Here are some tips to use from Dr. Teten, Optometrist Chesapeake VA. Good nutrition with healthy green vegetables, fruits, and omega fats, along with daily exercise, is recommended by top eye doctors. And don’t forget to stay hydrated, too. Long periods of reading and schoolwork contribute to vision changes in school-aged children and into their late 20s and 30s. Top Optometrist Chesapeake VA, like Dr. Teten, recommend that children get at least 60-90 minutes of outdoor time each day to limit significant vision changes.
Many of us spend long hours being on a computer or phone screen, which raises concerns about exposure to blue-light radiation. Navigation Eye Care offers blue-light protection in eyeglasses and contact lenses. Yes, that’s correct; your optometrist can prescribe contact lenses with a significant amount of blue-light protection. When you look at the computer, you do not blink as often as usual—not blinking can cause your eyes to dry, and you experience blurred vision. At Navigation Eye Care, we offer dry eye treatment so you can have the most precise and most comfortable vision. And our specialist optometrist can prescribe contact lenses to help relieve dry eye symptoms during your eye exam.
So, if you or your child experiences any changes to your vision, seek proper eye care treatments. We encourage you to call the Navigation Eye Care team at 757-529-6889 or schedule an appointment. We are equipped and prepared to care for you and your whole family. If you are looking for excellent service in a friendly manner, check us out. We highly recommend that you choose Navigation Eye Care when looking for a top eye doctor in Chesapeake. We will serve in the Chesapeake area for many years and can’t wait to see you and your family.